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Written on: Thu 29th Jul 2021
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Updated on 2 APR 2023

What's an IUD?

IUD (Intrauterine Device) is an effective and long-lasting birth control option. Depending on the IUD used, it can last 5 years after insertion. If you wish to get pregnant, IUDs can be removed any time by a health professional with fertility returning quickly.

Despite the benefits that IUDs provide, there are important risk factors and side effects to discuss with your doctor to help determine if it is an appropriate option for you. If you are considering an IUD as a method of contraception, please make an appointment to speak with Dr Juliana Quay.

Consultation, Procedure & Cost

1st appointment: Consultation & STI screening

Your first consultation will include a conversation about your general health and discuss the pros and cons of this contraceptive method. An STI screening and pregnancy tests will be arranged to ensure the IUD is safe and appropriate.

2nd Appointment: Insertion Procedure

Our doctors will explain everything you need to know prior to the procedure, and answer any questions or concerns you may have. If everything is clear, the doctor will give you the prescription to purchase an IUD from a nearby pharmacy. You can expect to be in the clinic for about 1 hour including the procedure.

The insertion procedure is simple and usually takes around 30 minutes. The doctor will insert the IUD through your cervix into your uterus and it starts working straight away to prevent pregnancy.

IUD Insertion Fee (Item 36/5040 + 35503 + 73806)

Upfront cost: $429.45*

Medicare Rebates: $179.45*

Out of Pocket Fee: $250 (include $60 equipment Fee)

* Please note that the price does not include the IUD and is subject to change, however we make our best effort to keep the out of pocket cost consistent

3rd Appointment: Follow up Appointment (Item 23)

It is common for patients to experience side effects for a short period of time after the insertion. Therefore, a follow up appointment is recommended 6 weeks after the insertion to ensure the IUD is still in place and for you to speak with the doctor about any differences you may be feeling. Our doctor can make suggestions to help manage the symptoms that you’re experiencing and determine if any other actions need to be taken.

Where can I get an IUD insertion in Melbourne?

QV Medical offers IUD insertions and can assist with other contraceptive options upon request. Make an appointment with Dr Juliana Quay or speak to our friendly reception staff if you have any questions.

IUD removal

If you simply require an IUD removal, please book a standard appointment (15mins) with Dr Juliana Quay.

IUD Removal Fee (Item 23/5020)

Out of Pocket Fee: $160 (include $10 equipment Fee)

IUD Replacement

If you already has a IUD in place and would like a replacement, please book a Long appointment (30mins) with Dr Juliana Quay.

IUD Replacement Fee - Removal & insertion (Item 44/5060 + 35503 + 73806)

Out of Pocket Fee: $260 (include $70 equipment Fee)


We strive to offer a comprehensive set of services to the Melbourne population. However, if you can’t find the service you feel you require, please contact reception to see if we can assist you or point you in the right direction.





Iron Infusion

Iron Infusion

IUD Insertion & removal

IUD Insertion & removal

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Medical Certificates

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Men's Health Check

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Scripts & Test Requests

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Sexual Health & STI Screening

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Women's Health

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Mental Health

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